
Hi Orbits! ⸜( ˙˘˙)⸝ Call me Joo/Neukie!
KR/EN native translator | 02 + she/her.

Rules For any translations, DM me. Please keep in mind that I am a college student and my timezone is currently CST. Regardless, I try to make time for my girls. Thank you!FAB Info I will currently be prioritizing doing Fab translations for private replies and helping out some of the individual Fab accounts. Make sure to check out my FAQ!

I do this on my own time so I might have delayed responses, but I will try to get to everyone asap! I am also one person and may make mistakes, even if interpretations of translations are up to the translator — feel free to let me know if you see any.Also, it is helpful for me to have as much context to a reply or text as possible. If you don’t feel comfortable sending me exactly what you sent to the girls, you can just summarize it for me when sending.Please credit my translations if reposting.PSA all the translations/private reply reqs on this account are mine, but for general Fab updates, @bffheejins has been helping so much, big shoutout to her!! ^^

Q: How do I use Fab?@02file_fab has a great infographic guide on how Fab works. If you’ve still got questions, you can DM me!Q: How do I know if I got a private reply?Private replies are a different color than normal chat bubbles. (Make sure to update your app!)Q: What translations do you do?I do all and any LOONA translations except for: anything I deem harassment of the girls or 25 pages of text all at once. Besides Fab, I usually translate video clips. @ot12fb is an amazing source of all the girls' Fab translations, please support them, and you can also check the individual Fab accounts to see if they’ve posted what you need before you reach out to me. All the accounts will be listed at the bottom.Q: So can I ask you to help me write a message to the girls?Of course! As long as it is appropriate.Q: Can I send you a private reply that isn’t mine? (aka someone else’s tweet)Yes! I actually appreciate people helping me find fun stuff to translate, though I won’t repost all.Q: Can you double check my message to see if it’s correct grammar/not too rude?Yes! I will help with any questions about Korean as well if you have them.Q: I got a private reply from X, can you post it for me?Feel free to send if you need a translation and I'll ask you if I want to post! You can also send my translation to one of the individual accounts to post, with credit!Q: This person seems to be sending inappropriate messages, are you comfortable with translating them and making sure?Yes! You can always let me know if you suspect someone of being weird to the girls and need to make sure it isn’t a mistranslation. Afterwards we can report them & etc if so.Q: (any Fab technical difficulty question)I am not that good at technology! You'd be better off asking Fab themselves since they seem to be interacting with fans; if you want anything translated to or from them I can do that.Q: Can you translate this (non-Fab thing)?Yep! I prioritize Fab currently but I still do other translations. :)